To become a PCI DSS compliant there is 12 standard requirements which safebusiness.tech can help you to integrate or fully managed for you
PCI DSS compliance is not simple to achieve. Its 12 sets of Requirements covering everything from Access Controls to Zoning of Networks, and there are approximately 400 detailed controls which you have to meet in full. It is very technical, and requires investment in specialist IT security hardware, extensive IT resources, and external testing of your systems.
It is not (currently) a legal requirement to adhere to PCI DSS, but it is part of every retailers’ Merchant Banking Agreement through which the retailer processes customer card payments. Financial penalties apply under these contracts for non-compliance and for loss of card data (breaches).
Though not specifically identified within the Data Protection Act, payment card data (otherwise known as Cardholder Data), is considered as sensitive personal data under this, and under other international privacy directives.
Therefore, failing to protect payment card data appropriately can be a breach of these legal requirements. It is likely that Information Commissioners will consider legal enforcement of PCI DSS in the future.
- Requirement 1: Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect cardholder data
- Requirement 2: Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters
- Requirement 3: Protect stored cardholder data
- Requirement 4: Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open, public networks
- Requirement 5: Protect all systems against malware and regularly update antivirus software or programs
- Requirement 6: Develop and maintain secure systems and applications
- Requirement 7: Restrict access to cardholder data by business need to know
- Requirement 8: Identify and authenticate access to system components
- Requirement 9: Restrict physical access to cardholder data
- Requirement 10: Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data
- Requirement 11: Regularly test security systems and processes
- Requirement 12: Maintain a policy that addresses information security for all personnel
Information security can help you meet business objectives
Our security practice is dedicated to providing you with world class security advice. This advice is based on our global knowledge and experience of providing security consulting services governing strategy, design, configuration, and assessment of enterprise security together with identifying/accessing management solutions to our non-audit clients. We provide security and risk services to both audit and non-audit clients
Organisations today are under ever increasing pressure to comply with regulatory requirements, maintain strong operational performance, and increase shareholder value. In this hyper-competitive environment organisations can no longer afford ad-hoc security measures. Protecting intellectual property, sensitive customer information, and other business-critical information requires a comprehensive security strategy that closely matches business objectives.
Stay protected 24/7!
Spyware and viruses happen to even the most conscientious of internet users. Let Hurricane monitor your systems in real time so you are protected from the threats that exist. The minute a computer comes into contact with a possible threat we are alerted. We are able to see what threat was encountered and if any remediation is needed; all while not interrupting your work.
Benefits of a managed antivirus:
Software deploys in just seconds
Uses minimal system resources; won’t bog down your computer
Online central management of your entire company
Always up to Date: Threat data is delivered to protected devices from the cloud in real time
Compatible across all operating systems, devices and browsers
AES stands for “Advanced Encryption Standard”, which is admittedly kind of a dry name. Originally created in 2001 by the NIST using the much more interestingly named Rijndael cipher/algorithm. It has become a widely used and popular public encryption standard, by being extremely resilient against breach attempts. AES is used to encrypt top secret data at agencies, governments, banks, and other organisations around the world, and is regarded as one of the strongest encryption methods in existence.
To explain this one, we need to turn back the clock, all the way to the 1980s. At the time, netizens, if you can even call them that, sometimes used a cipher called ROT-13 (“rotate by 13 places”), and it was a way of scrambling offensive jokes on Usenet forums. As you’ve probably correctly guessed, this Golden Girls era cipher replaced a letter with a letter 13 places further down the alphabet. Well, while such an “encryption” method may be enough to hide some silly quips or a movie spoiler, it is vulnerable to methods that would simply try all possible character combinations and therefore completely unsuitable for serious tasks. Attacking by using all possible key combinations is also known as brute forcing, and is a commonly used method to force a decryption. Hence, one way to protect against someone trying many different keys is to simply create a very big key. This is where 256-bit encryption comes in, along with the beauty of mathematics: with each bit you add, you double the number of possible keys, meaning 256-bit encryption (2 to the power of, holy smokes, 256) gives you a hundred thousand billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion possible key variations. The time and computing power required to try all of these keys would be staggering. It would take billions of years to break even a 128 bit key (not that you could even find the storage space to actually try all the possible combinations).
The Cyber Security in business is essential
Any type of business must be ready to counter cyber threats that are becoming more often. Cyber threats is increasing dramatically every single day and more companies suffer bankrupts and huge financial loss.
Safebusiness.tech are here to help you, assist you and make you confident about your business IT security.
Our Ethical Hackers team always stays on top of the latest cyber news so in this case we can identify vulnerabilities in the systems and resolve them before hacker will noticed.
How do we do that?
We use the actual security scanners which are accompanied with a regularly updated feed of Network Vulnerability Tests (NVTs), over 50,000 in total.
Also we have real life hackers tools which helps us to attack systems in minutes with thousands of exploits with details reporting in debugging mode or in standard mode with advisories or low/medium/high risk vulnerabilities report.
We always keep up to date all our servers to stay on top of the latest exploits available in nationals exploit database ,CVE and darknet.
All scans can be scheduled per agreement
Meanwhile when hacking is illegal this type of service will require additional agreements between the parties.
Elite Cyber Security Analysts
Vulnerability Scanning / Assessment
Discover vulnerabilities within your assets wherever they may exist (perimeter, internal networks, cloud). Regardless of the infrastructure in use, our experts will assess the security of your systems using both automatic and analytical (manual) methodologies.Our security assessments and penetration tests can be performed either onsite or remote while following your preferred testing approach (blackbox, greybox, or whitebox).
Example of automated scan report
Penetration Testing
Our security audits and penetration testing services rely on highly skilled security professionals and penetration testers, with experience in both defense and offense.
Having worked on hundreds of security assessments, penetration tests, incident responses, and breach root cause analysis for companies in various sectors, safebusiness.tech is the perfect partner to rely on and ensure vulnerabilities are being discovered before cybercriminals do.
Web Application Penetration Testing
Comprehensive penetration test of your web applications, web services and APIs that may be used to store and access critical business information, with the goal to identify and exploit web-borne vulnerabilities. Our pen-testers will use advanced skills and techniques required to test modern web applications and next-generation technologies.
Network Penetration Testing
Evaluation of your internal or external information assets’ ability to withstand attacks. Our world-class penetration testers, armed with the same techniques as cybercriminals, will attempt to break into your network, IT infrastructure, and servers to raise awareness about vulnerabilities and the effects of exploitation, as well as end-user adherence to security policies.
Mobile Application Security Assessment
Assessment of your mobile applications developed for iOS and Android to identify vulnerabilities specific to mobile computing environments, such as those defined by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and other emerging industry standards.
Wireless Network Penetration Test
Penetration testing of your wireless LAN (WLAN) but also Bluetooth, ZigBee, Z-Wave, DECT, RFID, NFC to discover security flaws in wireless networks and systems. In addition, our ethical hacking service will assist you to implement defensive techniques that allow you to enjoy the flexibility that your Wi-Fi and wireless systems offer to your employees in a secure fashion.
Secure Code Review
Examination of your web application's code performed by security specialists that aims to identify security flaws and withstand attacks. Analyzing the code gives the opportunity to find vulnerabilities that would not be found otherwise. Thus, this service is complementary with penetration test.
Social Engineering Assessment
Evaluation of your employees’ readiness to identify and withstand attacks through Social Engineering techniques. In our assessment, we use the same techniques as cybercriminals do (e.g. advance reconnaissance, phishing, social networks, etc.) to launch realistic social engineering campaigns.